Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Five Things I Like About Myself... or something


So Sarah (this girl) tagged me in a post.  The challenge?  Find five things about myself I like.  nnnngh.  I'll consider it a success if I don't have to ask people for help (cough SARA cough).  Excuse my cold.

While I am loud and have horribly un-politically correct humor and can goose call, I typically steer clear of talking about myself all that much.  You know how they tell you to highlight your accomplishments in interviews? Yeah, I'm the girl that keeps saying, "Well, we did this and we did that."  I'd rather listen to what other people have to say.

But, since I'm feeling up to the challenge, here they aaaaaare (in no particular order)!

#5 - My Smile
Mom would be so happy I'm listing this, seeing as how her favorite thing to say about this body feature of mine is, "They cost me a lot of money!"  (Which is true, thanks Mom).  But I do, in fact, quite like my smile.  I put up with braces from First Grade all the way through Freshman year of HS.  Oh. My. God.  I had that face gear, I was a potential candidate for jaw surgery, and I gave up many awesome foods for straight teeth.  TOTES worth it!  I receive many compliments on my smile, and people say I smile a lot. :)

#4 - My Empathy/Listening Skills
I actually took a "Strengths Finder" test from a book (it's pretty cool, check it out:  Now, Discover Your Strengths), and I think it sums up this skill way better than I could:  "You can sense the emotions of those around you. You can feel what they are feeling as though their feelings are your own. Intuitively, you are able to see the world through their eyes and share their perspective. You do not necessarily agree with each person’s perspective. You do not necessarily feel pity for each person’s predicament—this would be sympathy. You do not necessarily condone the choices each person makes, but you do understand. You anticipate the need. Where others grapple for words, you seem to find the right words and the right tone. You help people find the right phrases to express their feelings—to themselves as well as to others. You help them give voice to their emotional life."

#3 - My Eyes
I feel like this is something everyone likes about themselves (I think my BFF is the only person I know who doesn't like her eyes), but I love my eyes.  Depending on what color I wear or what mood I'm in, they can be a grey-blue or a strikingly bright blue.  That is all.

#2 - I'm A Human iPod
If you can't think of the name of the song or who sings it, chances are I know the answer... and all the lyrics.  I know the words to so many songs and can bust them out at a moment's notice, it's ridonculous.  And I will sing them out loud with little to no shame (I'm singing right now - "Judas" by Lady Gaga - as a matter of fact... I cannot get that song out of my head!).  Who would go to a karaoke bar sober and get up and sing?  This girl.

#1 - I Can Draw
Like, actually pretty well.  I was coloring inside the lines at age birth.  I never drew stick figures - I always drew full-bodied people and animals.  My elementary school teachers would all be mad if they knew I wasn't an artist.  But it's something I like to do for fun, so I never wanted to make it my job.  I'm best at drawing dogs (shocking), I can draw a Pongo or Lucky from memory, and if I can look at it, I can freehand it.  So if you ever need a portrait of your pet, I'm your man... er, girl.

So there ya have it!  Five things I can tolerate about myself. Jay Kay, Jay Kay.  And now I am supposed to tag 5 people to do the same, but I don't have tons of Blogland followers whom I could tag.  But I'd LOVE to hear what your favorite things are about yourself!  I love learning about people :)

(again... still working on my sign-off),


  1. Great post! Fun to get to know you better. I think you have a great smile, too.

  2. I like my smile and eyes, too. You're on your own with the music and artistic abilities! You should share one of your dog drawings with us. :)

  3. Great, now I have Judas in my head. Ugh. I love your face so much I'm gonna eat it.

  4. Ummm....Sarah scares me. :)

    I didn't know you were such an artist - very cool!

    I have to admit - I've always hated my eyes. *sheepish look*

  5. Ha Ha! Nice! Your drawing is like my writing....do I sense a new business venture here? We need to put our talents to work!? Sister team making kids books about dogs? I'd be down for that!

    I took that skills test too, but who knows what it said...I think I threw it away....

  6. Your smile is great...makes me smile too! Great post!!
